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MOAA’s Spring Advocacy Push

The three issue areas comprising this year’s Advocacy in Action (AiA) campaign show the range of MOAA’s legislative priorities – not just for officers, not just for retirees, and not wavering on our commitment to long-term advocacy goals.

Here’s a quick look at each of the issues, which were approved by MOAA’s board of directors Jan. 19. Want to get involved? Click here for details.

 Concurrent Receipt

What’s at Stake: The Major Richard Star Act (H.R. 1282/S. 344) would end an unjust offset for combat-injured veterans who lose a dollar of service-earned retirement pay for every dollar of VA disability compensation. The bill has a supermajority of bipartisan support – more than 325 House co-sponsors and more than 70 in the Senate – thanks in part to past grassroots efforts from MOAA and partners in The Military Coalition.

MOAA’s Mission: We need to keep up this momentum and secure the bill’s inclusion in the FY 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It’s time for lawmakers to push this long-delayed step toward concurrent receipt for all past the finish line.

Central Virginia MOAA

Central Virginia MOAA

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