Central Virginia MOAA
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Central Virginia MOAA

Central Virginia MOAA
Central Virginia MOAA
Chapter Info

MOAA is the nation's largest and most influential association of officers of the uniformed services. It and the Central Virginia Chapter are independent, nonprofit, and politically nonpartisan organizations.

Mission of the Central Virginia Chapter

The mission of the Chapter is to promote the purposes and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA); foster relations among retired, active and former officers of the uniformed services and their National Guard or Reserve components; advance the rights and interests of active duty, retired, Reserve and National Guard personnel of the uniformed services, their families and their survivors; provide useful services for members and their families; and serve the community and the Nation. The Chapter has monthly social activities including luncheons, a more formal dinner in June, and an annual picnic

Information on Joining the Chapter

Membership in the Central Virginia Chapter is open to active duty, retired, National Guard, Reserve, former commissioned officers, and warrant officers of the uniformed services - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Space Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Auxiliary membership is also available for surviving spouses of deceased officers. Regular members’ dues are $35.00 annually. Dues for Auxiliary Members are $20.00 annually.Please selection the JOIN button on the home page for an application.

Chapter members are also stongly encouraged to be active members in the national Military Officers Association of America organization.

Chapter Activities and Accomplishments

  •  Chapter Activities and Accomplishments: The Central Virginia Chapter holds monthly luncheon meetings at The Club at Glenmore on the fourth Thursday of each month, October through May (except November when Veterans Day is observed with a special function). At each luncheon the Chapter hosts a prominent guest speaker. Recent speakers have included: Virginia Military Institute (VMI) superintendent General Binford Peay III, USA (Ret); Former Air Force Academy Superintendent and Harvard Security Programs director Lt Gen Tad Oelstrom, USAF (Ret); technology executive Dr. Michael Balazs describing evolving aerial drone capabilities, threats and countermeasures; former Charlottesville Police Chief Timothy J. Longo; and others. In September, the membership enjoys a casual lunch or picnic at The Club at Glenmore or a local private venue. Each June the Chapter celebrates its founding with a more formal dinner at the Glenmore Country Club.

  • For the sixth time in 7 years the Central Virginia Chapter has received the 5-Star Level of Excellence Award, an award received by only the most outstanding chapters in MOAA. Our chapter newsletter, The Bugle, and the Chapter website consistently win top MOAA honors for communications with current and prospective Chapter members.

  • Our Legislative Committee has recently worked closely with members of the House of Delegates and the Virginia Senate to help draft and support legislation to enfranchise the votes of overseas deployed military members through either electronic voting measures or extended days of counting votes which arrive late through the U.S. Postal Service. Committee members have regularly participated in the annual Legislative Forum hosted by the Richmond Chapter which presents the legislative goals proposed by the Joint Leadership Council of Veteran Service Organization, (“JLC”) to support Virginia active duty personnel and veterans, National Guard, and Reserve personnel. Committee members regularly follow up this forum by participating in the annual JLC Storming day at the General Assembly in early January in cooperation with Carrie Ann Alford, Policy Director for the Virginia Department of Veterans Services and Administrative Assistant to the JLC. During these visits with Delegates and Senators, members provide vital information and support to help the representatives decide to support key bills. Committee members also stay regularly engaged on national issues, like advocating for the repeal of the Widows’ tax, which was recently repealed as part of the 2020 NDAA legislation. Besides regularly talking and advocating for federal legislation with United States Senators and Representatives, especially in the 5th and 7th Congressional Districts, members connect with federal legislators at the annual Virginia Council of Chapters of MOAA, (VCOC), Congressional Appreciation Luncheon held in Washington, D.C. to garner their support for the objectives of the Military Officers Association of America. Committee activities are regularly detailed in the monthly Legislative Review article of the Bugle Newsletter. Chapter Support:

  • The Chapter supports the University of Virginia Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC programs with an annual award to cadets and midshipmen in each unit. We also support the Junior ROTC unit at Orange County High School through the presentation of a cash award and MOAA Medal to the outstanding 3rd year cadet. Chapter members are active in local organizations: American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces, American Red Cross Joining Community Forces to the Military, Hospice of the Piedmont "We Honor Veterans" Program, McGuire Veterans Administration Hospital, Veterans Day and Memorial Day Observances in the Charlottesville, VA area, and the Dogwood Vietnam Memorial Foundation.






Central Virginia MOAA
Central Virginia MOAA
Central Virginia MOAA

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