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Health ranks as top concern for Vets after military service

In the months after separating from military service, most Veterans are less satisfied with their health than with their work or social relationships, found a study by VA researchers. While the Veterans surveyed were mostly satisfied with their work and social well-being, a majority were dealing with chronic physical health conditions and a third reported chronic mental health conditions.

According to Dr. Dawne Vogt of the VA Boston Healthcare System and Boston University, lead author on the study, the results highlight the importance of addressing Veterans’ health concerns early.

“What remains to be seen is whether those Veterans with health conditions—which were more commonly experienced by deployed Veterans—continue to maintain high levels of well-being in other life domains over time,” she says. “Given that it is well-established that health problems can erode functioning in other life domains, it may be that these individuals experience declines in their broader well-being over time.”

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